Monday, 24 April 2017

6.Women: Cursed By Society & Religion!!

Women: Cursed By Society & Religion

As a human being we all have different roles to play. According to our capabilities we are playing such roles. The god has created two different characters for fulfilling duties throughout life time. Male & Female. As there are two different creations, accordingly the roles they are gonna play also would be different.
There are such things which are predefined which no can defy. Even if someone tries, he wouldn’t. Like only a woman can breed & sustain a child. Regeneration is the role which the god has made for women. But for that creation woman needs a man to start that process. It means both the entities have their parts to play. With their coordination the life sustains. Only woman can do such things. It’s not children’s game to detach the soul from the soul. So, the compassion is the nature of woman. There is a divine connection between man & woman. It’s pure & straightforward. Two different species from different nature live together and becomes each other’s back. Effortless relationship.
But to complicate this simple relationship, we have a word called “Society”. This society has made certain standards and rules which everyone follows or pretend to follow. If we look out the history always the woman has dominated by the men. Women has to suffer from molestation, violence, rapes and mental & physical torturing. National Crime Records Bureau says ninety-two women raped on an average in India every day. In every thirty minutes one woman is raped. But still we Indians feel proud on our culture.
If you look through our ancient history, the people lived at that time were more broad minded. But eventually things have changed. This Society has made such rules in which woman only has limitations. She is used as a machine for breeding & producing children. Men are using her to satisfy their lustfulness and sexual craves. But we Indians have solutions for these also. If woman is raped, then she is not even allowed to tell anyone. In fact, their parents do suicide because their girl is raped. All this shit they have done because of society. They don’t care how their girl is feeling, they just want no one would know otherwise we’ll lose our credit in society.
Even girls don’t protest against rapes. They have to hide such things because parents never provide the them the atmosphere. So they can tell their feelings. Parents pretends to be respected in society & in front of people. So, they don’t even complain to police. How shameful! No one would marry a girl if she is raped & we are calling our country “The Modern India”. But our thinking is worse than the Stone Age people.
You might have heard some teenagers. They want a girl who is virgin. If a girl had in a relationship, then she is labeled as a “slut” or a “whore”. But for men it’s the matter of boasting & manliness. The more you slept with a girl means the more powerful your manhood. It’s the matter of the manhood. In India the line of thought is, every man wants to sleep with every beautiful girl they have ever seen but they want to marry a girl who is virgin. I feel ashamed I am living in country of hypocrites.
It’s not over yet. The society has created another thing which is more dangerous & powerful. It is nothing but the so called “Religion”. The whole country is paranoid behind this thing which they don’t even know what exactly it is & why they are following such lunatic rules. But still they are following. Every religion has thousands of rules & regulations only for women. Do’s & Don’ts. If you are belonging to such religion, you must wear certain kind of clothes. You have to follow such dress code & if you ask why should I wear this? Then they have the ridiculously amazing answer which is, “You have to follow this because religion has mentioned it. If u won’t then you will go to hell & society will let you out”. I mean Wow what a terrific statement it is.
The government is also playing the considerable part. The Indian government is as hollow as Indian Religion & Society. We are not giving respect towards girls and woman that’s reason government has to made such strict rules. sometimes men are innocent but women are taking advantage of these rules. There are some exceptions but only the man is responsible for these rules. All of it is creation of patriarchy & lack of respect towards women.
Every mother teaches her girl about not to wear short clothes, not to go out after 7’o clock and sit properly in public. But no mother teaches her boy that, “whether girl wears short skirt or not you have to look at her with respect. Treat every girl as you are treating your sister.” No mother ever teaches her teenage boy that, “If the girl is not virgin it doesn’t mean she is a slut. There might be some reasons that relation doesn’t work out. You have no right to call her a slut or a whore. Respect girls”. No one teaches these. Everyone is insane to teach girls about how they should live, so they would not be raped. But our society never teach boys to respect girls.
We are living in society where if woman is doing job, they have problem, if she is a housewife, also there is a problem. At every stage woman faces problems. If woman is doing job, people complains about they don’t have time for family, if she would do job then who would take care of children kinda reasons. There are women who are managing their house as well as job also but still they are unsafe among their own people.
If she is a housewife, then she is maid for 24 hours & 365 days. They are doing daily chores means they are not supposed to get respected. “It’s their duty to do it so there is nothing wrong.” You might have heard this line from their husband, relatives & even from children. But if you make list of works the housewife does during the whole day, you will get thousands of things you have never thought of. Morning to evening she is doing every single thing & manages the whole house. She manages everything & in return what she wants is some time and respect that’s all. The least we can do for them is to give them respect.
“Be a Real Man Respect Women.”

Thanks for Reading...πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ‘

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